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Camila Daniela Sosa


  • Professional translator offering various linguistic services.
  • Senior college student about to graduate as a Sworn Translator of English at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC).
  • Copywriter (Sp-En).

Training and Experience

Camila Sosa is a professional freelance translator, editor and post-editor currently working for different websites. As a translator, she has rendered translations into English and into Spanish and has localized content to reach the target audience.

Through her unwavering commitment to keep things neat, Camila has consistently stayed informed about the most recent advancements and top-notch approaches in sanitation, organization, and upkeep. This dedication has positioned her as a proficient authority in crafting content related to hygiene and maintenance services, whether they pertain to residential, commercial, or industrial settings.


Camila Sosa is a senior college student at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) about to graduate as a Sworn Translator of English at the Faculty of Languages. She has worked as a freelance translator, editor, and post-editor for different websites. As a freelance professional translator, she has rendered translations into English and into Spanish and has localized content to reach the target audience while assuring the highest level of accuracy of the resulting text.


As a professional translator, her primary focus is on language and communication. However, keeping an organized and balanced work environment is as important as finding the most suitable equivalent for a word. That’s why Camila finds it refreshing to keep things minimalist and decluttered to create a serene and distraction-free environment, to keep her home organized according to Feng Shui principles, and to keep everything clean using eco-friendly and home-made solutions.

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