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Cleaning the fridge helps keep your food in good conditions
Picture of Alejandra Zelaya

Alejandra Zelaya

Mastering the Art of Fridge Cleaning: A Comprehensive Guide

Tackling the mess that lurks in the back of your freezer and cleaning the fridge can be as daunting as facing a mythical beast. There may be leftovers hiding behind condiment bottles, mysterious stains that tell a tale of spills forgotten, and a lingering odor that just won’t quit.

Fresh Home Cleaning, your knight in shining armor, is ready to battle the chaos inside your refrigerator. With a team of skilled professionals, we take the dread out of cleaning the fridge, ensuring it won’t just look spick and span but will also smell fresh as a daisy.

Why Cleaning the Fridge is a Must-Do Task

Your refrigerator is the heart of your kitchen, preserving ingredients and leftovers alike. But when neglected, it can become a source of odors and bacteria buildup. Cleaning the fridge regularly is essential for food safety and can extend the life of both the appliance and the food stored within it.

A checklist for cleaning the fridge will make your cleaning session easier

How to Deep Clean Your Fridge Like a Pro

Clearing the Stage

Before cleaning the fridge, unplug it to save energy and make cleaning the fridge safer. Empty every tier and drawer, sorting food items into what stays and what goes. It’s a good chance to toss expired items and plan meals around those that are on the brink of going bad.

Mix Your Cleaning Solution

A simple mix of warm water and baking soda is eco-friendly and effective. Avoid harsh chemicals—they can leave an unwelcome flavor in your food or an abrasive scent in the air.


Remove shelves and drawers and wash them in the sink. For stubborn stains, let them soak. Then, using a soft cloth or sponge, wipe down the interior surfaces of the fridge. Don’t forget the nooks and crannies where crumbs and liquids can hide.

Dry and Replace

Make sure everything is completely dry before putting shelves and drawers back in. This helps prevent mold and mildew from setting up camp in your newly cleaned fridge.

The Final Touches

Once the interior is sparkling, tackle the door seals with a toothbrush dipped in your cleaning solution and give the exterior a good wipe down.

A checklist for cleaning the fridge will make your cleaning session easier
Make sure everything is completely dry before putting shelves and drawers back in to prevent mold and mildew from building up in your fridge.

Tackling Fridge Smells that Linger

Sometimes, even after cleaning the fridge meticulously, you might find the fridge smells bad even after cleaning. Here are some tips to banish odors for good:

1. Check the Drip Pan

Many fridges have a drip pan that can harbor bacteria and mold. Pull it out carefully and give it a thorough clean with hot, soapy water.

2. New Life to Baking Soda

A fresh, open box of baking soda can absorb a plethora of odors. Place it in the back of the fridge for continued freshness.

3. Consider Charcoal or Coffee Grounds

Activated charcoal and dry, fresh coffee grounds are excellent odor absorbers. Place a bowl of either in the fridge for a few days to help eliminate bad smells.

4. Regular Maintenance

Regularly checking for and disposing of expired food goes a long way toward preventing bad odors before they start.

A checklist for cleaning the fridge will make your cleaning session easier
Sometimes, even after cleaning the fridge meticulously, you might find the fridge smells bad even after cleaning, but with baking soda, you’ll be able to get rid of it.

When the Fridge Smells Bad Even After Cleaning

If you’ve deep cleaned your fridge and the fridge smells bad even after cleaning, it could be an issue with the appliance itself. Check for any clogged drainage hoses and ensure the fridge is at the correct temperature. Sometimes, a professional maintenance check is necessary to find and fix the root of the problem.

Fresh Home Cleaning: A Name You Can Trust

With glowing reviews and a solid track record, Fresh Home Cleaning makes the decision easy for those in the market for a trustworthy cleaning service. We are renowned for our professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Summing Up

A clean fridge is a happy fridge, and by extension, you’ll have a happy kitchen. Cleaning the fridge doesn’t have to be a chilling experience. With the right approach, it can be a satisfying task, and it can result in a more pleasant environment for your food. But if the fridge smells bad even after cleaning, don’t hesitate to seek out further solutions or professional help.

Fresh Home Cleaning is always ready to step in and provide stellar cleaning services, ensuring your refrigerator remains in peak condition. So, if you’re looking to put the freeze on grime and odors, remember, a call to Fresh Home Cleaning is all it takes to get the fresh, sparkling fridge your kitchen deserves.

A checklist for cleaning the fridge will make your cleaning session easier
Fresh Home Cleaning is always ready to step in and provide stellar cleaning services, ensuring your refrigerator remains in peak condition.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How often should I be cleaning my fridge to keep it in the best condition?

Aim to give your fridge a basic cleaning once a month. This includes wiping up spills, checking for spoiled items, and giving the interior a quick once-over with a damp cloth. For a thorough deep-clean, including pulling out all the shelves and bins to wash them, every 3 to 4 months is generally sufficient. Of course, if you notice spills or the fridge begins to smell bad, don’t wait—clean it up right away.

Can I use vinegar to clean my fridge, and is it as effective as other cleaners?

Yes, distilled white vinegar is an excellent natural cleaning solution for your fridge. It’s effective at both cleaning and disinfecting. To use vinegar, mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the surfaces of the fridge, then wipe down with a clean cloth. For tougher stains, you may need to let the vinegar sit for a few minutes or apply it directly before scrubbing.

After a power outage, how can I ensure my fridge is cleaned properly before restocking it with food?

In the event of a power outage, first, make sure that your fridge has been without power for no more than 4 hours to ensure food safety when restocking. For cleaning after an outage, remove all items and discard anything that may have spoiled. Clean the interior with a safe cleaner, such as a baking soda solution or vinegar mix, and thoroughly dry all surfaces. Before you restock, check that the fridge temperature is back to its optimal setting for food preservation, typically around 37 °F (2.78 °C).

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