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How to clean unreachable windows: Fresh Home Cleaning's recommendations.
Picture of Alejandra Zelaya

Alejandra Zelaya

Beyond Arm’s Length: Our Top Guide on How to Clean Unreachable Windows

When it comes to household chores, cleaning the fridge or dusting off the shelves can sometimes seem like a walk in the park compared to the daunting task of window cleaning, especially when it’s about those tricky spots. But before you throw in the towel, consider reaching out to Fresh Home Cleaning. We understand that learning how to clean unreachable windows shouldn’t have to be a Herculean task. With their expertise and professional touch, those outside windows you can’t reach will soon be glistening without you having to lift more than a finger to dial their number.

But if you’re the DIY type of person, itching for the satisfaction that comes with personally polished panes, we’ve got you covered! Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of window cleaning with a pinch of elbow grease and a dash of know-how.

How to Clean Windows You Can’t Reach: Fresh Home Cleaning’s DIY Guide

Cleaning Materials You’ll Need

To ensure your windows are nothing short of spotless, you’ll want to get your cleaning arsenal ready. Gear up with the following:

  • Extendable squeegee: This is crucial for how to clean outside windows you can’t reach without performing acrobatics.
  • Streak-free window cleaner: Opt for eco-friendly brands for a greener clean.
  • Microfiber cloths: They’ll swipe away smudges without leaving pesky lint behind.
  • Bucket: Preferably one that’s easy to carry for your soapy solution.
  • Dish soap: A little goes a long way in making your windows sparkle.
  • White vinegar: For that extra shine and a natural touch.
  • Rubber gloves: To keep your hands protected from dirt and cleaning solutions.
  • Ladder (if necessary): Make sure it’s stable and in good condition to avoid accidents.
How to clean unreachable windows: Fresh Home Cleaning's go-to cleaning supplies.

Step-by-Step Guide

– Preparation:

Roll up your sleeves—it’s game time! Start by checking the weather forecast. A cloudy day is your best ally since it prevents the cleaning solution from drying too quickly and leaving streaks.

– Step 1: Mix Your Solution

Create a mixture of one part water, one part white vinegar, and a drop of dish soap in your bucket. This solution is the secret ingredient for how to clean windows you can’t reach with a professional’s touch.

– Step 2: Apply the Solution

Dip your microfiber cloth or attach it to the squeegee and wet the window surface. Don’t be shy; give it a good soak – the dirt won’t know what hit it.

– Step 3: Scrub Away

Now it’s time to scrub. In order to clean unreachable windows inside, use circular motions to loosen up the gunk. For the outer part, vertical swipes will do the trick, ensuring that those outside windows you can’t reach aren’t neglected.

– Step 4: Squeegee Time

Starting from the top, drag your squeegee horizontally, maintaining a little overlap on each stroke. Wipe the squeegee with a cloth after each pass.

– Step 5: Wipe Off Excess

With a fresh microfiber cloth, swipe away any remaining suds or water. If necessary, use your rubber gloves to reach into crevices.

– Step 6: Dry the Window

For the grand finale, grab a dry microfiber cloth and give the window a final polish. This step will ensure a streak-free finish to your hard work.

– Maintenance Tips:

Dust off your window sills and frames regularly to avoid buildup. If you still want to know how to clean the windows you can’t reach, think about buying a good robot window cleaner. It will make the job easier.

How to clean unreachable windows: Fresh Home Cleaning's step by step guide.
Start by checking the weather forecast. A cloudy day is your best ally since it prevents the cleaning solution from drying too quickly and leaving streaks.

Do You Need More Tips?

If you want to learn all the secrets and tips we have about cleaning window sills or about the ideal deep cleaning list, then these articles are for you: Expert Tips and Techniques for Cleaning Window Sills and Tracks, and Our Expert Deep House Cleaning Checklist, Revealed.

Always Remember: Safety First

When learning how to clean outside windows you can’t reach, safety should be your number one priority. If you must use a ladder, always ensure it’s placed on a stable, even surface. Never lean out of a window to clean the exterior; it’s better to call in professionals like Fresh Home Cleaning if the task seems too risky.

How to clean unreachable windows: Fresh Home Cleaning's DIY guide.
Bear in mind that it’s better to call in professionals like Fresh Home Cleaning if the task seems too risky.

In a Nutshell

There you have it—your crystal-clear roadmap on how to clean windows you can’t reach. Remember, whether it’s the inside scoop on how to clean unreachable windows inside or conquering the elusive how to clean outside windows you can’t reach, the key is having the right tools and technique. 

However, if the prospect of sparkling windows is dimmed by the thought of climbing ladders or maneuvering around furniture, Fresh Home Cleaning is just a call away. You can trust that we will leave your windows so clean that you’ll have to remind the birds not to fly into them! Let our team of professionals lift the burden off your shoulders so you can enjoy the view without any of the labor.

How to clean unreachable windows: Fresh Home Cleaning's easy-to-follow guide.
If the prospect of sparkling windows is dimmed by the thought of climbing ladders or maneuvering around furniture, Fresh Home Cleaning is just a call away.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I prevent streaks from forming on my windows after cleaning?

Preventing streaks involves a combination of proper technique and the right cleaning solution. Use a streak-free window cleaner or a homemade solution of distilled water and vinegar, which reduces the chances of mineral deposits causing streaks. When wiping your windows, use a clean microfiber cloth and replace it if it becomes overly damp. Additionally, clean your windows on a cloudy day to prevent the sun from drying the cleaner too quickly, which can leave streaks.

2. What should I do if I notice scratches on my windows during cleaning?

If you find scratches on your windows, assess their depth. Fine scratches can sometimes be polished out with a specialized glass polishing compound. However, deep scratches might require the attention of a professional. To prevent scratches in the future, be sure to remove any debris from the window before cleaning and avoid using abrasive tools or cleaners.

3. Is there an environmentally friendly way to dispose of old window cleaning solutions?

Yes, if you’re using homemade solutions with ingredients like vinegar and water, they are generally environmentally friendly and can be poured down the drain. However, for commercial window cleaners, especially those containing ammonia or other harsh chemicals, it’s best to check with your local waste management services to see if they require special disposal methods. Never pour these chemicals directly into the soil or waterways.

4. Can window cleaning solutions damage window treatments or frames?

Some window cleaning solutions can damage certain materials if they are not handled properly. It’s important to avoid overspraying and to wipe any drips promptly from wood frames, which can be damaged by excess moisture. When cleaning around window treatments, remove them if possible, or cover them to protect from splashes. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations for any window treatment or frame material before applying cleaning solutions.

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