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Theodora Carbel


  • Writer and editor specializing in cleaning services.
  • Specialist in communication for networks and digital media.
  • Degree in Anthropological Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires in progress.
  • Bilingual copywriter (ES-EN).

Training and Experience

Theodora Carbel is a writer and editor with a passion for cleaning and health. Although her academic background is in sociocultural anthropology, she has acquired in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of cleaning services.

With a constant dedication towards cleanliness and wellness, Theodora has researched and kept up to date with the latest trends and best practices in hygiene and maintenance. This has allowed her to become an expert in writing content related to janitorial services, be it residential, commercial or industrial.


Theodora Carbel is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires. She has years of experience and dedication in the Copywriting field. She takes continuous training courses in Copywriting, SEO Optimization and Inbound Marketing.


Theodora is a cleaning enthusiast and finds great satisfaction in keeping her environment organized and tidy. She especially enjoys spending time regularly doing deep cleanings in her home. She loves to disinfect every nook and cranny and make sure everything is spotless. She uses efficient cleaning techniques and natural products to achieve exceptional results, and has no problem always trying new tips and hacks.

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carpet cleaning services 01 - Fresh Home Cleaning Services.

Carpet cleaning services in Maryland

Carpet cleaning services in Maryland If you’re like most people, your carpet sees a lot of action. Between pets, kids, and all the activities that