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A composition of cozy winter stuff to enjoy the after winter cleaning
Picture of Alejandra Zelaya

Alejandra Zelaya

Winter Cleaning: 5 ideas to clean your home and be ready for the cold

Do your winter cleaning with our checklist!

While we all know that spring is the most popular season for deep cleaning, few realize the value of a good winter cleaning. What’s more, here at Fresh Home Cleaning we believe that winter is even better for cleaning every corner of your home.

There are many reasons why winter cleaning is the best option for your home. And if you keep reading, you will understand why!

Forget spring cleaning: why do it in winter?

We all know the reasons why we clean in spring: everything blooms again, the air is warmer, it’s time to ventilate, the mood is better, and the dust and dirt accumulated during the fall are easy to remove. But, at Fresh Home Cleaning we believe that while spring cleaning is not a bad idea, a winter cleaning is also extremely necessary.

Also, instead of spending the most beautiful days of the year cleaning during spring, you can take advantage of the cold of winter to accommodate the house in which you will be mostly locked up for the next few months.

Woman doing a winter cleaning

Cleaning your home will keep you busy during this season when outside there is not much to do, and inside the dust accumulates in heaps. Did you know that in winter there is more dust in your house than at other times of the year? This is because you don’t open the vents in your house as much. So get ready for a deep clean once winter is here!

Our winter cleaning checklist

A checklist will help you organize your cleaning and not forget any corner of your house. Check out the one we made at Fresh Home Cleaning!

Winter cleaning checklist to have a comfortable season
Do a winter cleaning for a cozy season

1. Deep clean your radiators

In addition to the fact that the amount of dust that accumulates in your radiators is very unhygienic and unhealthy, it also means that it does not emit as much heat as it should. So with a microfiber cloth and vinegar, you can wipe it down and after it dries it will be ready to keep your home warm.

2. Pay attention to your windows

With the beautiful winter sun, every stain or scratch on your windows becomes more visible. So take the opportunity and clean them, inside and out, not forgetting their frame and blinds.

3. Clean your fireplace

As we all know, the best thing about winter is snuggling up by the fireplace. But for this to be an exciting activity to share with your family or friends, or by yourself, that space must be perfectly clean and disinfected. It is usually a dirty area, due to the ashes. So this is the time to check inside the chimney to see the dirt and that there is nothing stuck in there, take a look at the smoke alarms that work well, and proceed to clean your fireplace.

A cleaned fireplace ready for a cozy winter
The fireplace is a special place to get together with your loved ones

4. Dust your rugs and floors

Carpets are the perfect focus for the accumulation of dust, dirt, bacteria, pet hair, and who knows what so many other things. Therefore, you should clean them not only regularly, but also take advantage of deep cleaning such as winter cleaning and shake them well. On the other hand, your floors will also need a good cleaning. Vacuum and mop every corner!

5. Don’t forget your blankets and pillows

Do you love to curl up on your bed or couch while watching a movie? Then it’s your time to do laundry and wash all your blankets, quilts, pillows, and bedding. So you’ll be ready to face the cold in the comfort of your home!


What is winter cleaning and why is it important?

Winter cleaning refers to the process of thoroughly cleaning and organizing your home during the winter season. It is important because winter can bring a lot of dirt, dust, and clutter into your home, which can impact your indoor air quality and overall health.

What should be included in a winter cleaning checklist?

A winter cleaning checklist should include tasks such as deep cleaning carpets and upholstery, dusting and wiping down surfaces, organizing closets and storage spaces, cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces, and checking and replacing air filters.

How does winter cleaning differ from spring cleaning?

Winter cleaning focuses on deep cleaning and organizing your home during the winter season, while spring cleaning is typically done in preparation for the warmer months ahead. Spring cleaning often involves decluttering and organizing outdoor spaces, as well as cleaning windows and other areas that may have been neglected during the winter.

Why should homeowners consider hiring a professional cleaning company for their winter cleaning needs?

Professional cleaning companies like Fresh Home Cleaning have the expertise, equipment, and cleaning solutions necessary to thoroughly clean and sanitize your home during the winter season. They can also customize their services to meet your specific cleaning needs and preferences.

What sets Fresh Home Cleaning apart from other cleaning companies?

Fresh Home Cleaning stands out for its commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and dedication to customer satisfaction. Our team of experienced cleaners uses eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning solutions, and we work closely with clients to ensure that their cleaning needs are met to their satisfaction.

If you want to save time and have better things to do than spend days cleaning your house for winter, call a professional to do it for you! Our team at Fresh Home Cleaning specializes in deep cleaning. Save time and money and call us at 301-979-7554

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