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Learn how to clean and disinfect your home with these items
Picture of Alejandra Zelaya

Alejandra Zelaya

How To Clean and Disinfect Your Home: Spot and remove germs!

Eradicate common germs and bacteria from your home

Did you know that the average American home has about 400 different types of bacteria living in it? Yuck! While some of these bacteria are harmless, others can cause sickness. We all know that cleaning our home is important for a variety of reasons – one of which is to remove and control germs. But did you know there are specific ways to target germs in each area of your home?

Here’s a handy guide made by Fresh Home Cleaning on How to Clean and Disinfect your Home, so you can spot and remove germs!

Remove germs from your desk

Your home office must be pristine. We all know that not only do you work there, but you eat the occasional snack, and hygiene is usually lacking there. Don’t worry! We know that you have little time to take care of cleaning tasks, but in any case, it is important that you do it from time to time to avoid the accumulation of dirt and germs.

But did you know that the average desktop accumulates more than 400 types of bacteria? This is because you usually support your hand and your cell phone there, two things that accumulate more than 20 million bacteria. So give your home office some love and disinfect your desk once a week to keep it germ-free.

disinfecting the desk and laptop.
Your desk and computer are very prone to germs.

Yes, there are germs in your showerhead too

We know that this is not pleasant news for you, but unfortunately, you must deal with it. The accumulated dirt added to the humidity of this area makes it very prone and pleasant for germs. You must remove them immediately as they can contaminate the water and yourself!

You can prevent your showerhead from being a favorite spot for factories by placing a mixture of water and vinegar every night.

OMG are they in my bed too?

Body sweat, traces of creams and makeup, and perhaps not-so-clean feet, all make your bed a beautiful place for the accumulation of germs. A single night of sleep can fill your bedding with germs and bacteria. To remove germs, you should first wash your sheets once a week.

Please, disinfect your cutting boards

This is the unwanted truth: cutting boards are filled with germs. It has 200% more bacteria than the average toilet seat, and these can cause multiple diseases such as E. coli. So don’t underestimate the cleaning of the cutting boards, you must do it very well and every time they are used.

You can use paper towels and vinegar to disinfect them and remove germs from their surface. Then, repeat that process and apply 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. As the last step, wash the cutting board with an extra-strong detergent.

Don’t forget the trash can!

You must disinfect your trash can weekly. They contain countless bacteria and germs that can even harm your health or that of your family. Make sure you clean both sides and the lid perfectly.

Clean your toothbrush holder

Last but not least, your toothbrush holder is the dirtiest place in your whole bathroom. Yes, even more than your toilet! It can pick up germs floating around from the toilet, bathtub, people passing by, and from the toothbrushes themselves. So please, pay special attention to it and get it inside the dishwasher once a week, to say the least.

Person washing hands in the bathroom.
Keep your bathroom clean and disinfected, keep your home healthy.


How to clean and disinfect your home?

To clean and disinfect your home, you should start by cleaning surfaces with soap and water, and then using a disinfectant that is effective against germs. Fresh Home Cleaning recommends using eco-friendly and non-toxic cleaning solutions to ensure the health and safety of your family.

How often should you disinfect your home?

It is recommended to disinfect high-touch surfaces in your home, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, at least once a day to remove germs.

What are some effective cleaning products for removing germs?

Effective cleaning products for removing germs include bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol-based cleaners.

What areas in your home should you focus on when disinfecting?

You should focus on disinfecting high-touch areas in your home, such as doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and bathroom surfaces. Fresh Home Cleaning recommends consulting with a professional cleaning service to ensure that all areas in your home are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

How can Fresh Home Cleaning help you disinfect your home?

Fresh Home Cleaning’s team of skilled and experienced cleaners is knowledgeable about the latest cleaning techniques and uses only the best cleaning products and equipment to ensure the best results. Our team can customize their cleaning services to meet the specific needs of each client and ensure that your home is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

When the health of your family depends on it, why take the risk? Hiring a professional Maryland cleaning service like Fresh Home Cleaning means peace of mind knowing that your home is being sanitized by experts.

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